• We are always in pursuit of something better. We want to be happy - we know when we aren’t happy but we rarely know when we are. This is a huge problem because the chase for more can make us lose what we already have.

    Want to avoid this?

    Learn some tricks that will help you become a happier person with a more fulfilling life.

    Make it simple

    Humans always analyse and overthink everything. This may be the root of all our problems. Overthinking leads to us doing things in the most complicated way possible. But life is supposed to be simple. You either want to do something or you don’t.

    Life is about the small things too. Simple pleasures like having a quiet hour in the morning to drink your coffee or sunshine on your face as you wake up.

    You need to stop thinking about everything as if it’s a huge decision. Most of the time, it’s not.

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    Be satisfied

    People are always saying: “Oh, if I had more money…” “If I had any free time…” and so on. But this is a wrong way to think. Learn to be satisfied with what you have. This doesn’t mean that you should never try to get more, but rather that you should stop with the wishful thinking. It will happen. But you can be happy and satisfied with what you have until it does. 

    Be Cheerful

    This probably seems silly but it’s not. Essentially, you should smile more. Smiling is the best way to make yourself and others happy. It spreads like a wildfire and it can make your day better instantly. Say something nice to someone too.

    Live your own life

    Does it really matter in your life what someone else does? Not really. So, learn not to ponder, or even talk about other people and their actions. It’s their own life and they may do as they please. You should live your own life to the fullest, not bother with someone else’s.

    Give Back

    It’s been shown that what makes us the happiest is giving and contributing. There are many ways in which you can give back from donating to volunteering. Today there are even simple apps that make giving back easy and automatic. Amazon Smile and DealAid are two such apps.

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